Monday 4 June 2012

Dance is my passion :)

I delete all those rubbish post in my blog ,
starting a new life now .

Remember the days, we set out together with faith ?
Remember the times, so fine, we thought that.
Nothing could stand in our way ?Then things weren't the same ,the life that we knew had to change . 

We struggled throught, the darkest storms.
We thought we couddn't tame.
Together we've build a new world, a world of hope forever after.

There are those who build a path ,and those who tear it down ,
There are those who continue to walk a path , and those who stary from it .

I wish to he a person who forget a path, a person who persist in walking a path
No matter what until he end, i will keep walking , keep running,
Even if i should fall along the way and return to the dust of the land ,
Because i believe in youth who will succeed me along this path.
I will not have a single regret . 

The day has come.
for us to achieve victory.
and we did it .
Let us share the moment with others
As we are one big family :)   

performances on 26&27/5
a memorable day in putrajaya
never forget this 2 important day and I 
 you all so much .(◕‿◕✿)

KBS performers at Putrajaya  


Py & Stella ♥

Shee yee & Stella 

Me , Pui ling , Mei chan & Phui yan 

Kok Hoe & his friend 

Me & Ah生 

Me & Wai hong 

Me & Yu chen 

Me & John Ho 

Me & Gabriel  

Me & Chuan wei 

Pui ling , phui yan & Me 

Huey ling & Me 

Tiam hok & Me